Soul Purpose Program

Understand who you truly are and unleash the confidence to live a life aligned to your soul’s purpose

Do you ever have the feeling that you’re meant for more than this, like your Soul has a purpose or calling, but can’t quite remember what it is? Perhaps you feel anxious that time is running out and you still don’t know.

 If you’ve ever had that feeling that you were born for ‘more than this’, or questioned what you are here for, then keep reading....

 Your Soul chose to be here in this time and place for a purpose.... there’s a special reason for you being here, you have a vital place in the cosmic plan. There’s something that you’re meant to do, learn or experience.

You are not alone

That feeling that there’s something that you should be doing, simply won’t go away - you can find a myriad of avoidance tactics; such as distractions, addictions, over eating or simply busyness - but the more you push it down, the less fulfilled, more lost you feel.



The universe is gently whispering in your ear - and if you chose not to answer the call it often becomes more and more insistent until it pulls the rug out from beneath you and forces you to acknowledge it. It’s in that place of darkness that many first acknowledge the light. You might have heard it called the Dark Night of the Soul.

Many of my client’s come to me because they have a feeling of being called to do more - but either don’t know what it is, or they know but feel like an imposter. They are tired of doubting and questioning whether they are good enough, and are ready to live in alignment with their Soul’s purpose.

Or they have hit a block on their spiritual or personal development and need support to unlock the next level of their gifts, and embody their fullest potential.

 As a clinical hypnotherapist (twice over!), advanced past life regression therapist and Beyond Quantum Healer (not to mention yoga teacher, reiki, Crystal and sound healer). I’m on a mission to make sure that no spiritual being hides their light.

 Humankind is at a pivotal time in our development. We have been through a period of spiritual darkness, and we are emerging into the light.

 Many of us are feeling the call, the awakening to the knowledge that there is more to the world than what we can see and touch - awakening to the knowledge that we are so much more than we thought. Old systems are no longer effective and our inner being, our higher self, is calling out to us to awaken.

As Starseed and light worker you most likely already know that you are here to raise the vibration of the planet, to spread the light and support others in the mass awakening.

New souls find the intensity of Earth, and human emotions challenging to navigate. It can be a shock to the system to feel so far removed from Source!

But old Soul’s, the ones who chose to come earlier, to lay the foundations may have had many life forms in human form. They first came into this form at a time when society wasn’t yet ready to welcome or accept them, hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. They met a myriad of judgement, rejection and even persecution for sharing their light.

Often, old Souls have developed beliefs and programs that they are unsafe to be themselves, or to speak their truth, as a result of lifetime after lifetime being shunned, cast out, humiliated or killed for being different. Authoritarian systems that wanted to control society filled the mass consciousness with dark, subservient messages of an external, vengeful deity that would punish anyone who dared to think or act differently. Many of the great spiritual teachers (such as Christ or Buddha) experienced the same rejection.

As high vibrational spiritual beings, we are a magnet for karmic debris; legacies of past lifetimes, that tug at our Soul, lowering our frequency and make it harder to consciously connect to the cosmic energy field - and to our inner guidance.

Centuries or even millennia of programming, imprints and soul contracts that show up in life after life - purely as a way of keeping us safe - can interfere with the way that we show up, through self-limiting beliefs (such as not being good enough), habits or behaviours (procrastination, self-sabotage or feeling like an imposter) or dysfunctional relationships. Sometimes this is called ‘witch wounds’. That’s not to say that you were a witch in a past life (or maybe you were), but high vibrational conscious beings have long been persecuted or rejected for sharing their spiritual beliefs, gifts or knowledge.

Are you ever worried what other people will think if you shared your truth and claimed your cosmic sovereign power?

 It’s unlikely that this is your first time here on Earth, you’ve probably lived many lifetimes and had many experiences. You might even have had lifetimes on different planets, galaxies, star systems or even dimensions.

 When you understand where you came from, you’ll easily be able to see the patterns that have been created through lifetime after lifetime - and heal, clear and release any that are no longer helping you.

Understanding who you are at the deepest level, illuminates why you’re here today, and creates the confidence and courage to fulfil your purpose, and be fully aligned with who you were born to be.

 There are so many external voices; society, family and media telling you who you ‘should’ be – but what if you could break free of all of the nose, and live confidently with alignment with your true self? When you live in alignment you create more joy, flow and life feels more satisfying.

Spiritual growth comes from personal development

Being a lightworker or a Starseed (or both!) isn’t about doing a particular job, career, or business; it’s about being connected to the best in yourself and raising your vibration so that your light illuminates the path ahead – both for others, and yourself. In order to do that, you have to be willing to face what lowers your vibration – and to let it go and move forwards.


The Soul Purpose Program

A 4 month deep one-to-one healing and mentorship program for Lightworkers and Starseeds who want to embody all that they are; by understanding where they have been and reclaiming their soul’s power.


Through my unique Earth-Soul-Star framework you will see, understand and heal events from this life and your past lives, and further raise your vibration and expand your consciousness by connecting to your Starseed origins.

What if you could…

  • Bounce out of bed every morning feeling aligned to who you really are

  • Feel confident that the things you do are serving and nourishing your soul

  • Connect to a deep sense of inner connection and joy

  • Trust your intuition so that you make decisions based on your soul needs

In just 4 months you’ll be clear on who you are, what you’re here to do, expand your quantum consciousness and have the confidence to full you purpose so that you can experience more joy, deeper connection to yourself and others, stop worrying about what you ‘should’ do and trust your inner guidance system. 

Hypnosis and mindset coaching create deeply powerful insights and shifts, but by combining these together in a 4-month container you’ll be supported to transition your whole energetic blueprint and mindset to embed empowering new beliefs that will transform your confidence, expand your spiritual connection and empower you to create more joy in your life.

  • See

    What self-limiting beliefs are holding you back today and how

    Who you were in your past lives

    How your fears are actually trying to help you

    What you need to release in order to feel confident, empowered and free to be yourself

    That you are an inter-dimensional cosmic being

    Which soul’s are part of your soul group and how they are supporting you today

  • Understand

    How your childhood experiences, intergenerational belief systems and societal expectations have shaped how you view yourself and the world around you

    How your past lives created karmic imprints that are affecting and limiting you today

    What soul contracts and vows you have made

    What lessons your soul learnt from past lives, on Earth or elsewhere

    What you came into this lifetime to learn, do or experience

  • Heal

    The parts of you that are trying to keep you small and safe

    Upgrade the little child inside of you who is afraid to shine her light

    Resolve and release old soul wounds and experiences

    Transform any beliefs that you are not good enough just as you are

    Reconnect to your inner power to know that you are good enough

The Soul Purpose Program is for you if…

  • You feel like you’re a lightworker or Starseed who wants to be able to unlock the next level of your gifts, expand into joy and create more flow in your life

  • You know there is so much more to life, and your ready to embrace your purpose confidently

  • You are overthinking, doubting your spiritual connection or hit a plateau

  • You’re ready to do deep inner work – peeling away multiple layers of the self-limitation and self-protection to connect to who you truly are.

How does it work?

 Through spiritual hypnosis you will explore your akashic records via reviewing your soul level memories, and clear out karmic debris, any feelings of lack, disconnection or low self-worth, and create a new energic mindset blueprint to support you going forwards.

You will connect with your cosmic support team (your guides, angels, light beings and higher-self) to support you on your healing journey.

 You’ll experience regression to childhood, the womb, past lives, the between lives state, and connect to your Starseed origins.


What’s included:

Fortnightly calls which include:

4x 1:1 deep spiritually based hypnosis sessions to explore:

o   Childhood experiences

o   In Utero (womb) experiences

o   Past life experiences

o   The between life state

o   Starseed connections

So that you can review, understand and heal past experiences creating a new perspective and empowering new beliefs.

 Transformation coaching sessions to provide you with a supportive container as your mindset and energy transform

 Email and voicemail support between calls. 



Bouncing out of bed every morning with a sense of motivation, purpose and alignment…..

Looking in the mirror, and loving what you see, feeling really confident with who you are and what you’re about….

Having the ability to call in the most magical opportunities because you’re in alignment with your soul’s path and the universe is responding….

Many healers offer single sessions where you might identify 2-3 causes of what’s holding you back – but by exploring back into the ancient recesses of your soul you’ll be able to clear multiple energetic levels of karma.

 There are lots of spiritual healers or teachers who can tell you their view on your Starseed origins; through past life or Akashic record readings – but wouldn’t you rather experience it for yourself?

 The best way to learn something is to experience it for yourself. When you do that, you can feel into the truth, extract the insights and wisdom and apply it to your life today. 

It took me over 30 years to understand my soul’s purpose - and then another 5 to truly feel at a Soul level that I was good enough to fulfil it. I will teach you the exact same tools that I used to release negative, limiting beliefs, feel safe stepping out of the spiritual closet and speak my truth, without worrying that other people will think I’ve gone crazy.

Who am I and why am I here?

I know, because I’ve been there.

As a child I knew that I had angels guiding and supporting me, but I learnt early on that standing out and being different wasn’t a happy or safe place. I attended a faith school, but I found the dogmatic teachings of the Church misaligned to the feeling of being part of a greater cosmic consciousness.

As an adult I allowed myself to be absorbed into the mass consciousness, and the trappings of societal expectations and found myself seeking a career, a house, a marriage. However, every time things became more difficult, I would turn back to my spiritual connection. Digging out my angel cards, crystals and asking for signs . As soon as life picked up I’d forget all about them until the next heart break or miserable job.

Until I hit my mid-late 30’s. I’d finally found a point where I had the things that I’d be chasing for so long. I was fit and healthy (and doing Ironman triathlons) had recently been promoted, and was recently engaged to an amazing man. I’d recently discovered kundalini yoga and had a number of strange, mystical experiences - including my higher-self telling me in meditation one night that I was enough. I largely dismissed it with a shrug, chalking it up as an interesting but confusing incident.

That’s when things began to unravel.

I was miserable in my new job, and had crippling imposter syndrome. My health deteriorated overnight and I was suddenly plunged into a pit of overwhelming exhaustion, overwhelm and pain. After a few months I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

 In my darkest hour I was forced to confront the fears and disconnection that I’d spent my whole adult life trying to avoid. This was the beginning of my journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance and eventually, self-love. It certainly wasn’t a linear journey, it had twists, turns and many bumps in the road.

A couple of years later in my quest to heal, I discovered Hypnotherapy as a wonderful process to overcome fears and mindset blocks - and became fascinated by the mind-body-spirit connection. After training as a hypnotherapist, I would regress my client’s back to the cause of their issues - and many times what they described was not a scene from their current life time - but from past lives, or even between lives. Whilst regressing myself back to the cause of a recent weight gain one day I suddenly found myself in 3 different lifetimes experiencing hunger and starvation. I was so excited I completely forgot to do any healing work and brought myself out to journal about my experiences!

Over time I noticed that sometimes traditional hypnosis wasn’t quite enough to find and clear the root cause of my client’s issues, but by exploring both childhood issues and past lives we could find the origins of what was holding them back in this life, understand the karmic cycle, and bring in spiritual guides, angels or ascended masters to support the healing process.

 As I began to use self-hypnosis for my own personal development, I found I could access the cosmic matrix - and began to channel ancient guides. One night my Starseed ancestors came to me in a dream. Over the next few weeks, they showed me how to use hypnosis to access the Akashic records and to visit lifetimes on other planets, other star systems and even other dimensions.

 Since then I have used these tools to help many other women to recall and heal their past lives, reconnect to their soul’s calling and expand their consciousness through activating their Starseed connections.