Why I don’t do ‘Clairvoyant Readings’

Earlier in the week I went for a clairvoyant reading. I’ve never seen this lady before and the only information she had, was my first name and phone number.

I like to support other women in business, especially spiritual ones, and I went into the session open minded but also seeking validation that she was good at what she does. I asked for some specific details as confirmation. Initially a lot of information seemed quite generic and random, however slowly it started to make sense – the information she was getting was correct, but her interpretation wasn’t quite right.

Hearing her words was interesting, but for me, having the experience yourself and seeing, hearing, knowing or feeling messages direct from spirit is much more powerful – and everyone can do this with the right support.

Clairvoyant Crystal Ball

That’s what makes spiritual hypnosis, and the work I do, so special.

You’re not hearing someone else’s interpretation of messages from spirit – you’re getting them yourself. Before a client session I open up a conduit for the client to see, interpret and understand soul memories for themselves. It’s not about receiving information from another person and it being skewed through their filters – it’s about having a mind-blowing connective experience for yourself.

One thing the clairvoyant did call out, was that I’m psychic. That’s a label I don’t apply to myself, I think it comes with various expectations and interpretations. What I am, however, is intuitive. Whilst I am taking a client deep into regression, I see what they see at the back of my mind.

Soul memories show up as visual images that provide extra depth and understanding of what the client is experiencing as well as a whole series of back stories – earlier lives that repeat the same cycle of karmic ties and behaviours. It’s almost like a stack of DVD’s, a box set of prequels.  

When spirit shows me these, I’ve been guided to use energy healing techniques on these old soul memories. It’s a form of energetic deep cleaning, that clears out the emotional debris and dust that have accumulated over millennia. That creates healing on many deep levels, and is incredibly powerful. So, whilst my client follows my see, understand and heal framework, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, there’s a lot more going on beneath the waterline.

I combine spiritual hypnosis with coaching in my 3-month transformational containers, and during a coaching call I’m usually aware of the underlying issues that are holding my clients back – its not my role to tell them, but to guide them on a journey where they reach that understanding for themselves. It’s an important element of the healing journey.

It's hard to put into words the type of experiences my clients have, but here are a few of their comments “It was such an amazing experience!”, “Working with Helen Hardware was literally an out-of-this-world experience”.

I’m often asked if I do readings – the simple answer is no. Whilst I’m an intuitive healer, and receive messages from spirit, there’s no need for me to tell someone else, I hold a sacred space for them to receive it directly.

If you want to embrace your woo and your wow, and step out of the spiritual closet without worrying about what other people think so that you can unleash the confidence to fulfil your soul’s calling, then I’m opening up just 2 spaces to work with me 1:1 in January 2023. Book a free 15 minutes discovery call here to have a chat about how I can support you with your journey.

About the Author

Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach, hypnotherapist and best selling author who helps professional women to embrace their woo and their wow, and step out of the spiritual closet without worrying what anyone else thinks so they can unleash the confidence to fulfil their soul’s calling.


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