The world needs love and light more than ever right now

This week I wanted to address what’s happening in the collective consciousness just now. I hold the upmost love and respect for the Ukrainian people and can’t imagine how hard what they are going through right now must be. I respect their courage and strength in the face of undeniable trauma.

For this blog I’ve made a conscious choice not to use the W-word because of the negative vibrations it contains (although make no mistake that’s exactly what it is) or the name of the Russian leader who is creating these horrors; because frankly you all know who I’m talking about and I’m dammed if I’m going to give him any kind of SEO benefit by naming him.

Many people are feeling overwhelmed, unsettled, fearful even. I know that I certainly have felt like this over the last week or two. I wanted to honour this, and perhaps provide even a flicker of light in these dark times.

The geo-political situation that we are witnessing, through mainstream and social media shows pain, tragedy, loss, and an undeniable violation of fundamental human rights. It’s also a complete disregard for the law of nature which is compassion, love and harmony.

Many people around the world are feeling uncertain about the future; wondering who might do what and feeling fearful of what they and their loved ones might face in the coming months or years.

It’s completely understandable and a natural human response to the pictures we are seeing.

Light workers, healers, and Starseeds are often also empaths - and if you are feeling everyone else’s worry, fear and pain in addition to your own natural responses it can be overwhelming, exhausting and can even cause physical illness.

If that sounds familiar, I invite you to temporarily disconnect from your devices, and to connect with nature instead to ground yourself. By bringing yourself back into alignment it’s easier to create an energetic shield and transmit a higher vibration back out into the world.

I’ve been dedicating my morning meditation to holding a space of love, compassion and light for everyone who needs support just now.

The world needs your light right now, but you can’t help others without putting your own oxygen mask on first. Take time to nurture your own wellbeing so that you can work your light and hold space for others, and transmit as much love and healing as you can to humanity as a whole. The world needs love and light more than ever right now.


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