3 of the Biggest Myths About Spiritual Hypnotherapy – and why they aren’t true!

Spiritual hypnosis uses the same hypno-therapeutic techniques that help people to lose weight or stop smoking, to access mystical or esoteric realms to review your past life experiences, explore the between life state, connect to the Akashic Records or communicate with your higher-self, guides or angels. It can even be used to develop or enhance psychic gifts!

Hypnosis, also called trance, has been used as a form of thinning the veil between this world and the ether for millennia.  In the past this has been the reserve of the tribal shamans, holy men or the like, but in the Age of Aquarius which we now live in, the boundaries of accessing the divine through select men are collapsing and these tools and techniques are easily accessible and available to all. But, just like regular forms of hypnosis there are some myths and misconceptions about spiritual hypnosis so I thought this would be a great time to clarify three of the biggest ones.

1.       You can get stuck in a hypnotic state or between worlds

At the most basic, trance is merely a change of brainwave functions. We natural cycle through brainwave states throughout the day – every day. This is simply the way the mind works. In fact, we are always experiencing all brainwave types at any one time but we will have one which is more dominant than others. A light level of hypnosis is similar to day dreaming, or if deeper, to sleep. We can all day dream, and we can all sleep. Likewise, we all wake up. Hypnosis is the same. Whilst some client’s might take slightly longer to come back to full awareness than others, the worst that can happen  is that you relax so deeply that you fall asleep (this is very rare)– and like you have every day of your life, if you, you’ll wake up again when your body and mind are ready.

2.       Trance state can only be accessed by taking hallucinogenic drugs

You can get high from fresh air (if you don’t believe me try doing Breathwork), and likewise, you don’t need to take any mind-altering drugs in order to access spiritual realms. Hypnosis with a suitably certified and experience hypnotherapist is a safe and magical process. Hypnosis simply allows the client to slow down their brainwaves, and allow the conscious, questioning, rational mind to quieten down. Many people find that their conscious mind is still present throughout a spiritual hypnosis, but by quietening it, the veil between worlds becomes thinner and information can pass more easily. Hypnosis is easier than meditation and is a simple and effective method of being able to deeply relax and experience things that our conscious mind filters out normally.

3.       If you were meant to remember past lives you would

Many people do remember their past lives, it’s particularly common for young children to tell their parents about ‘when they were here before’ – sometimes they describe their past lives, and even their death in that life in graphic details. There have been a number of studies into this phenomenon, and in most cases, there has been no rationale conclusion. The children often have a wealth of information and knowledge which can be validated, and which for which there is no obvious reason for them to know. Likewise, many spiritually attuned people will recall memories of their own past lives, or be able to read those of their clients. Sometimes people may have spontaneous recollections, perhaps as a form of Deja Vu or in response to a stimulus or trigger of some kind, which can be hard to process and unsettling. Exploring your past lives with the support of a fully trained and experienced hypnotherapist will enable you to be fully supported and address whatever comes up. It’s also a wonderful way to heal and clear a number of different types of issues in your current life, such as phobias, habits, some types of physical issues, and mindset blocks.

I encourage my clients to combine spiritual hypnosis with what you might consider ‘regular’ hypnosis, where we identify and heal issues that have arisen within the current life, as well as navigating their spiritual journey and expanding their consciousness through exploring the spiritual realms.

For more information on spiritual hypnosis and how it can help you, follow me on Instagram or to find out more about how I can support you, book a free 15-minute call here.

About the Author

Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach, hypnotherapist and best selling author who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.


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